Friday, January 28, 2011

Barossa Valley Winery Tour

Barossa Valley dikenal sebagai daerah penghasil anggur yang paling terkenal di Australia. Terletak sekitar 70km dari Adelaide atau sekitar 1 jam perjalanan. Barossa terdiri dari beberapa kota kecil seperti Angaston, Lyndoch, Nuriootpa dan Tanunda. Menurut hasil survey tahun 2009, di Barossa ada 150 perkebunan anggur dan lebih dari 70 terbuka untuk mencicipi anggur gratis.
The Barossa Valley is known as Australia's most famous wine region.  The Barossa is located approximately 70kms northeast of Adelaide, just over an hour's drive from the South Australia’s capital city. There are a few towns in this district such as  AngastonLyndoch,Nuriootpa and Tanunda. According to 2009 survey, there are 150 wineries and more than 70  Barossa Cellar Doors (Tasting Rooms). 

Pada Australian Day, tanggal 26 January, hari libur nasional, bersama dengan 2 orang teman David, kami mengunjungi perkebunan anggur. Karena ini hanya perjalanan satu hari, kami tidak bisa mengunjungi terlalu banyak winery. Walaupun demikian ini satu pengalaman yang menarik untuk saya, karena bisa mencoba berbagai macam anggur tanpa menjadi mabuk. 
On Australian Day, the 26th of January, an annual public holiday, we visited some of the wineries with David's friends. As this was only a one day tour, we couldn't visit too many wineries, however it was an interesting experience for me as I was able to try a few different types of wines without getting drunk. 

Perhentian pertama adalah Saltram's winery, yang merupakan Icon Barossa sejak tahun 1859. Saltram terletak pas di pintu masuk kota Angaston. Perkebunan anggur dan restaurant ini dapat disewa untuk berbagai macam acara seperti resepsi perkawinan.
The first stop was Saltram's winery, claimed to be The Barossa's Icon since 1859. Saltram resides at the entrance to the Barossa township of Angaston.  You can hire this winery and it's restaurant for functions like a wedding reception. 

Perhentian kedua adalah Kaesler winery. Keluarga Kaesler merupakan pioner yang tinggal di Barossa Valley sejak tahun 1840. Pada tahun 1891 mereka membeli sebidang tanah dan mulai menanam anggur sejak 1893. Disini Dat, teman David, sangat tertarik pada sebuah botol wine besar. Dia ingin membelinya untuk menambah koleksi dia tapi ternyata harganya ribuan dollar, jadi dia hanya membeli 2 botol red port disini.
The Second stop was the Kaesler winery. The Kaesler family were pioneers who settled in the Barossa Valley in the 1840’s. In 1891 they bought a parcel of land and in 1893 planted their first vines. Today Kaesler wines are made from these ancient, dry grown vineyards, by the third owners of this magnificent property. Here Dat, David's friend, became very attracted to the large wine bottles, as he has a dozen bottles in his collection, but the bottle he was interested in was valued in the thousands of dollars, so he settled for 2 bottles of red port.  

Perkebunan anggur ketiga yang kami kunjungi adalah Chateau Dorrien yang wajib dikunjungi kalau kita ke Barossa Valley. Bangunan yang berumur lebih dari 100 tahun ini memiliki Heritage Gallery. Disini ada 7 buah tong besar yang dilukis menggambarkan sejarah Barossa dan tehnik pembuatan anggur sejak dahulu hingga sekarang. Ini merupakan tempat yang menarik untuk murid sekolah maupun turis umum. Disini David membeli 2 botol anggur untuk saya. 
The third winery we are visited was Chateau Dorrien which offers an experience not to be missed when you visit the Barrossa Valley.  We walked through an almost 100 years old building to the craft section and Heritage Gallery, where a local artist has lovingly painted in Mural form the Settlement of the Barossa Valley and the wine making techniques from the beginning to the present day on seven vats. It is a delight for historians, school groups and the general tourists. Here David bought Dorrien Wines Chocolatine and Gran Miele Gran which is chocolate and orange mead for me. 

Perhentian selanjutnya adalah Winter Creek winery dan pasar kaget di depannya. Selama 5 tahun berturut-turut Winter Creek telah memenangkan Medali emas untuk anggur produksi mereka Vintage Fortified Shiraz di Barossa Wine Show. Disini Dat membeli lagi 2 botol white port. Selain itu kami juga melihat-lihat di pasar kaget dimana saya menemukan kertas-kertas untuk scrapbooking.  
sThe next stop was the Winter Creek winery and Sunday Market. This label has for the 5th year in a row has taken a Gold medal  for its Vintage Fortified Shiraz in the Barossa Wine Show.  We looked around the market where I was able to buy some scrap-booking supplie but we only spent few minutes in the winery where bought another 2 bottles of white port. 

Stanley Lamberts's cellar door adalah perhentian kami selanjutnya yang terletak di pusat Barossa Valley. Apabila anda melalui Tanunda, dia terletak di ujung Para Road. Perkebunan anggur ini dimulai tahun 2005 pada saat Lindsay Stanley dan Jim Lambert memulai kerjasama mereka. Keluarga Lambert adalah pindahan dari Las Vegas dan membeli perkebunan di Barossa. Sejak dulu, Jim tertarik pada anggur dan proses pembuatan anggur. Sedangkan Lindsay telah lama dikenal sebagai ahli membuat anggur. Disini Dat jatuh cinta lagi pada sebuah botol anggur besar.
Stanley Lamberts's cellar door was our next stop. Located in the heart of the Barossa, drive through Tanunda and you'll find them at the end of the Para Road. This winery began in 2005 when Lindsay Stanley and Jim Lambert started their partnership. The Lambert family moved from Las Vegas and purchased a vineyard in the Valley. Jim, for many years had been interested in wine and wine-making, and Lindsay had been making award winning wines for over 30 years. Here, Dat was falling in love in again with another big bottle. 

Perkebunan anggur keenam adalah Illaparra yang terletak di kota Tanunda, Tidak banyak keterangan yang diperoleh tentang perkebunan anggur ini dan kami juga tidak membeli apa2 disini. 
The sixth winery was the Illparra winery which is located in Tanunda. There isn't much information about this winery and we bought nothing here. 

Karena masih belum ada yang mabuk, perjalanan diteruskan ke perkebunan anggur Turkey Flat yang memiliki 5 perkebunan anggur dan tersebar dalam radius 20km. 
As nobody was drunk yet, the tour continued to the Turkey Flat vineyards which has five vineyards spread over a radius of 20km from Bethany in the south, Ebenezer in the north, Stonewell in the west, with other vineyards in the east. 

Dan kemudian kami menemukan Keg Factory. Setiap tahunnya, ribuan tong besar dan kecil diproduksi disini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perkebunan anggur. Karena Dat akan memulai usaha anggurnya sendiri, disini dia meminta informasi tentang berbagai macam ukuran dan harga tong.  
We then came across the Keg Factory. Every year, thousands of casks and kegs are produced to fulfill the wine makers needs to store their wine. Here, Dat asked about a variety of keg sizes and prices as he is going to produce his own wine soon. ^_^. 

Akhirnya semua orang merasa letih dan David sudah agak sedikit mabuk (untung bukan David yang nyetir), jadi kami memutuskan untuk pulang. Tetapi dalam perjalanan pulang, Dat memutuskan untuk berhenti lagi di satu winery, Kies winery. Keluarga Kies datang dari Silesia tahun 1857 dan sejak itu mulai menanam anggur di Lyndoch. 
Finally, everybody felt tired and David was starting to get a little tipsy (thanks God, he was not driving), so we decided to go home. However on the way back, Dat decided that we'd stop at one more winery, Kies. The Kies family arrived from Silesia in 1857 and has been growing grapes in Lyndoch ever since.  The Kies Family Wines 2005 Klauber Block Shiraz is proving to be one of the most successful vintages for the label, achieving a Silver Medal at the 2010 Decanter World Wine Awards.

Jadi hari ini kami mengunjungi 8 perkebunan anggur dan satu pabrik tong anggur. Semua orang merasa gembira dan kami merencanakan untuk mengunjungi perkebunan anggur lain di bulan mendatang. Mau bergabung?
So, in total we had visited 8 wineries and one keg factory. Everybody was so happy and have planned for another winery tour to another region. Do you want to join us? 

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