Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Setelah "berlibur" sekitar 2 bulan di Indonesia, tanggal 29 December 2010, saya kembali ke Adelaide. Tapi sebenarnya suasana libur lebih terasa di Adelaide lho. Irama hidup saya di Jakarta selalu cepat, banyak yang harus dikerjakan, banyak yang harus ditemui, rasanya 24 jam sehari tidak pernah cukup.
After I finished my 2 months "holiday", on the 29th December 2010, I left to come back to Adelaide. But honestly, I  feel like I'm on holiday more in Adelaide. The rhythm of my life in Jakarta is always very fast, there are lots of things to do, many people to meet and it seems that 24 hours in a day is never enough.  

Namun ternyata kali ini, Adelaide juga membuat saya sibuk. Sampai di Adelaide tanggal 30siang, saya dan David langsung diajak makan siang di The Club sama papa mertua.
Besoknya tanggal 31 December 2010 siang, kami membantu teman kami, Dat dan Mia, mengadakan barbeque party di apotik mereka dengan mengundang langganan-langganan mereka sekitar 30-40 orang. Karena selama acara berlangsung, apotik tetap buka, saya dan David yang membantu memanggang daging, sementara Dat sibuk mengajikan beer dan koleksi wine-nya.
However this time, Adelaide is also making me busy. As soon as I arrived  on 30th,  my father in law invited me and David to have lunch at the Club. 
The following afternoon, we helped our friends, Dat and Mia, host a barbeque at their chemist shop. They invited around 30-40  of their customers to celebrate the new year. As the party was held, their shop was still open, so David and I were busy do the cooking while Dat was busy serving beer and wines from his collection.  

Malamnya kami diundang pesta New Year Eve di tempat Wendy, temannya David. Kami ngobrol disana sampai jam 10.30pm saja, karena David ingin menunjukkan Christmas Display di West End Brewery.
We also had New Year Eve party invitation to Wendy's place, one of David's friend. We stayed there for a couple of hours before David showed me Adelaide's traditional Christmas Display at the West End Brewery. 

Tahun ini Christmas Display tahunan ini diadakan untuk ke- 50 kalinya. Display yang masuknya gratis ini dimulai sejak pertengahan November sampai dengan tanggal 31 December dan akan menyala sampai jam 11.30 setiap malamnya. Meskipun diadakan setiap tahun, display yang diadakan di dekat Hindmarsh Bridge ini selalu ramai dikunjungi.. Setiap karakter display ini bergerak dan dihiasi lampu warna-warni. Di sepanjang display ini terdapat ucapan-ucapan selamat natal dalam berbagai bahasa.  
This year was the 50th year of the annual display. The free display starts from the middle of November until December 31 and is on until 11.30pm every night. Even though it is held every year, the display near The Hindmarsh Bridge still attracts a lot of people. Many characters are animated and all are illuminated by colourful lights. Along the display, there are Christmas wishes in many different languages.  

01 January 2011, kami pergi ke Semaphore untuk dinner di pinggir pantai , jalan-jalan di jetty dan melihat sunset pertama di tahun 2011. Hari ini cerah sekali dengan suhu sekitar 30 derajat, jadi Semaphore ramai sekali dipenuhi oleh orang-orang yang mancing, piknic dan jalan-jalan di pantai. Sunset-nya juga bagus sekali, tidak terhalang awan sama sekali. Semoga tahun 2011 juga akan selalu penuh dengan hari-hari indah ya. ^_^.
January 1st, 2011, we went to Semaphore to have dinner at the beach, walk along the jetty and watch the first sunset of the new year. It was a beautiful day, around 30 degrees, so Semaphore was full of people fishing, picnicking and walking along the beach. The sunset was very beautiful, there were no clouds to cover it. Hope 2011 will be full of beautiful days.  

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