Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dinosaurs Alive

Dari bulan November 2010 sampai 23 January 2011 di Adelaide Show Ground bertempat di Strirling Angas Pavilion, diadakan pameran "Dinosaurs Alive". 
From November 2010 until January 23, 2011 at the Adelaide Show Ground in the Stirling Angas Pavilion, the Dinosaurs Alive exhibition was held. 

Sebenarnya saya ragu-ragu untuk pergi, karena harga tiket $18 per orang dan meskipun kami punya kupon untuk potongan 15%, rasanya masih terlalu mahal. Tetapi, David tetap ingin pergi karena dia ingin mengambil photo dan video dinosaurus untuk Janice dan Glenn, keponakan-keponakan saya. Jadi akhirnya disinilah saya, berjalan di tengah hutan buatan untuk bertemu dengan bermacam-macam dinosaurus.  
Actually I wasn't sure that I wanted to go to this event, the ticket price for an adult was $18 and even though we had a flyer for 15% discount, I still thought it was a bit expensive. However, David insisted he wanted to take some pictures and videos of the mechanical dinosaurs for Janice and Glenn, my niece and nephew. So here I am, walking in the artificial jungle to meet the dinosaurs.

Disini, sambil menyusuri arena pertunjukan, pengunjung dapat mengagumi dan belajar tentang 8 macam dinosaurus yang dipajang. Mereka bisa melihat T-Rex, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, Huayangosaurus, Gasosaurus, Protoceratops dan Spinosaurus yang bisa bergerak. Dengan melihat binatang-binatang ini bergerak di hadapan mereka, pengunjung dapat membayangkan bagaimana binatang-binatang yang luar biasa ini pernah menjelajahi bumi.  
Here, the visitors can marvel and learn about the eight dinosaurs on display as they walk through the exhibition. They will see Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, HuayangosaurusGasosaurus, Protoceratops and Spinosaurus in motion. By seeing the life-like dinosaurs move in front of them, guests can imagine how the magnificent creatures once roamed the Earth.

Sambil berjalan sepanjang pameran, kami terus membayangkan, "Bagaimana perasaan Glenn kalau melihat ini ya?", "Apakah Glenn akan takut melihat dinosaurus ini?" atau "Mungkin Glenn akan minta digendong sepanjang pameran!!". Oh.... alangkah senangnya kalau dia ada disini bersama kami. 
While we walked through each of the dinosaur exhibits, we keep saying, "What will Glenn think about this?", "Will Glenn be scared to see these dinosaurs?" or "Maybe Glenn will ask me to carry him all the way through the exhibitions!". Oh... how I wish he were here with us.  

Selain pameran, disini juga ada ruangan rekreasi keluarga dimana pengunjung terutama anak-anak bisa menggali potongan tulang dinosaurus, menggunakan stempel dinosaurus dan memasang puzzle. Disini ada juga toko yang menjual buku, mainan dan barang lain yang berhubungan dengan dinosaurus. Dan karena Glenn tidak disini, saya yang mencoba semua aktivitas ini untuk Glenn. 
Besides the exhibition, there is also a Family Activity Room where visitors can uncover fossils in the dig-a-fossil pits, use dinosaur stamps and piece together large dinosaur puzzles. There's also a shop with books, toys and a range of useful and educative dinosaur related products. As Glenn was not here, I tried all those activity for him. 

Selama saya berada disini saya ingat Glenn terus dan membuat saya kangen sekali. Tapi pada akhirnya meskipun hanya satu jam berada disini, saya happy juga. ^_^.
Well, I thought about Glenn a lot while I was there and it made me miss him so much! At the end, even though it was only a one hour journey, I had so much fun there. ^_^ 

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