Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Wedding

Yes, we just got married. Setelah hampir 3 tahun membina hubungan, akhirnya pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2010, kami menikah di The Club Parafield Gardens. Pestanya kecil dan sederhana saja, tapi sangat berkesan.
Yes, we just got married. After almost 3 years building this relationship, finally on 21 August 2010 we got married at The Club, Parafield Gardens. It was just a small but lovely wedding party. 

Pagi itu sempat hujan sebentar, tapi Puji Tuhan hujannya tidak lama, orang bilang ini hujan berkat. Acara dimulai jam 11.15 pagi. Karena papa saya tidak datang ke Adelaide,  saya masuk ke tempat upacara diantar oleh papanya David, Mr. Albert Orr.dengan diiringi lagu "From This Moments".
It was raining for a while that morning, but Thanks God, not for too long. Here it is said that it's a blessing if it rains on your wedding. The ceremony started at 11.15am. Because my father didn't come to Adelaide,  David's father, Mr. Albert Orr gave me away.  We had "From This Moments" for our wedding march.

David didampingi oleh Marriage Celebrant - Mrs. Jacqui Nelson dan Bestman-nya - David Bothe, menunggu di atas panggung acara. 
David together with Marriage Celebrant - Mrs. Jacqui Nelson and his Bestman, David Bothe were waiting at the stage. 

Acara diawali oleh Marriage Celebrant dengan mengucapkan selamat datang dan memperkenalkan dirinya kepada semua tamu yang hadir.
The ceremony started by the Marriage Celebrant introducing herself and welcoming the guests.

Diteruskan dengan pembacaan sumpah oleh Celebrant yang dikuti oleh David dan saya bergantian dan pemasangan cincin kawin.
Followed by the reading of the vows and the exchanging of wedding rings. 

.... dan kata Celebrant, " Sebagai Celebrant dari masyarakat Australia, saya mensyahkan mereka sebagai suami istri dan anda boleh mencium sang pengantin" ^_^
.... and the Celebrant then said, "As celebrant for the Australian community,  I declare them to be husband and wife and  you may kiss the bride". ^_^

Diiringi lagu "I promise you" - Michael Bolton, kami menandatangi sertifikat perkawinan, diikuti oleh saksi-saksi kami, David dan Karyn Bothe.
"I promise you" a song from Michael Bolton, played as we signed the marriage certificate, followed by our witnesses, David and Karyn Bothe. 

Kemudian pemberian selamat oleh tamu-tamu yang hadir.
And all the guests gave us their best wishes and blessings.  

Sesudah upacara, pengantin kabur sebentar ke Pitman Park untuk foto-foto.
After the ceremony, the bride and groom went to Pitman Park for some more pictures. 

Sesudah foto-foto kurang lebih satu jam, kita kembali ke The Club untuk resepsi. Saya ganti baju pakai kebaya panjang, jadi  harus foto-foto lagi ya.... ^_^.
After almost an hour, we went back to the Club for the reception. I changed my outfit into my long "kebaya". So, I should take some more pictures.... ^_^. 

So, finally.... I'm married......I'm now "Mrs. Orr"  

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