Saturday, September 11, 2010

Royal Adelaide Show 2010

Royal Adelaide Show adalah acara tahunan terbesar di Adelaide yang diselenggarakan oleh Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia (Perhimpunan Pertanian, Perkebunan dan Peternakan). Tahun ini acara diselenggarakan sejak tanggal 3 - 11 September 2010. 
The Royal Adelaide Show is the biggest annual event in Adelaide, held by the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia. This year the show was held from 3 to 11 September 2010.

Kami berangkat jam 10 pagi pakai bus disambung kereta api, karena parkir di arena show ini AUD2,- per jam, mahal ya. Sampai disana beli tiket dulu. Hari ini, Kamis 9 September ada special price, AUD$13,- per orang. Kalau harga normal AUD 20,-.
We left home at 10am and traveled  by bus to the City and continued by train to the Show grounds, because the parking fees are AUD$2 per hour. It's so expensive, isn't it? We bought our tickets at the front gate. It was Thursday the 9th of September, so the tickets were discounted to AUD$13,- per person. The normal price was AUD$20.  

Acara yang diadakan meliputi pameran hasil-hasil pertanian dan perkebunan, seperti buah, sayur dan bunga. 
The event includes displays of agricultural products such as fruit, vegetables and flowers.   

Ada juga pameran binatang-binatang ternak. Keponakan-keponakan saya pasti senang deh kalau melihat ini.  Tapi sayang ada sebagian arena pameran yang ditutup karena ada yang kena sakit mata disana. 
There are also farm animals on show. My niece and nephew will love to see these. It was a shame that some people were affected by a mysterious eye infection in the cattle judging arena, so it had to be closed. 

Ada juga pertandingan ketangkasan berkuda. 
There was also Equestrian events.  

Oh, ada pameran anjing juga lho. 
Oh, there are also dogs on show. 

Melihat pertandingan memotong kayu juga sangat menarik. 
We watched some of the wood chopping events...very interesting. 

Ada lomba membuat roti, kue dan menghias kue juga. 
They also have bread and cake judging. 

Ini sebagian dari pameran kendaraan bermotor. 
Part of the cars on show. 

Waktunya makan siang. Makan apa ya? Banyak pilihan bingung juga ya. 
It was lunch time now. What would you like for lunch? There is so much to chose from.

Ini arena bermain. Sekali naik antara AUD$8,- AUD$12,- per orang per permainan. Mahal sekali ya. 
These were some of the rides in "Side Show Alley". It costs between $8 and $12 per ride per person. Very expensive.  

Hm... saya tidak berani naik mainan yang serem-serem itu, jadi kita lihat-lihat "Show bags" saja ya... 
Hmmm... all the rides were so scary. I didn't want to ride on any of them, so we just looked around the show bag pavilion.

Wah, jam setengah 4 sore ada acara memerah susu sapi. Ayo cepat-cepat saya mau lihat.
It's 3.30pm, time to milk the cows. Quick, quick, I wanted to see this! 

Masih ada satu lagi yang saya ingin lihat. Pig Racing and Diving.
Another thing I wanted to see was the Pig Racing and Diving. 

Nah, itulah sehari di arena Royal Adelaide Show. Sebenarnya acara masih ada sampai malam, ada pesta kembang api juga, tapi David sudah capai. Bersama Mr. Fruchoc, kita bertemu lagi tahun depan. 
Well, this was one day at the Royal Adelaide show. Actually the show still open until about 10 at night when they have a fireworks show, but David already tired. So, together with Mr. Fruchoc, we'll come back next year.... 

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