Friday, September 17, 2010

Adelaide City

Australia terdiri dari 6 negara bagian, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia dan 2 provinsi, Nothern Territory dan Australian Capital territory. Adelaide adalah ibukota negara bagian South Australia. Kota yang berpenduduk sekitar 1juta jiwa ini termasuk kota yang tenang, dibanding dengan Sydney dan Melbourne. Disini tidak banyak gedung-gedung tinggi, banyak taman dan banyak gedung-gedung tua yang bersejarah. 
The Commonwealth of Australia is a union of six states, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia and two territories, the Northern territory and the Australian Capital Territory. Adelaide is capital of South Australia. This city which is home for around 1million people is a calm city compared to Sydney and Melbourne. There are not as many tall buildings here, but the city is surrounded by parks and has many old, historical buildings.

Perjalanan ke kota, selalu merupakan kesenangan tersendiri bagi saya. Hampir dua minggu sekali kami jalan-jalan ke kota. Karena biaya parkir di kota mahal, sekitar AUD$3,- per jam, kami memilih naik naik bis, kereta api atau O-Bahn (bis yang berjalan di rel khusus). Biasanya kita sampai di kota dalam waktu 15 menit.  
A trip to the city contains many exciting moments for me. We travel there about once a fortnight. Because the parking fees in the city are so expensive, around AUD$3,- per hour, we prefer to go by public transport, using a combination of bus, train or  O-bahn (a busway which runs on special track). It's only takes 15 minutes to get to the city.  

Saya kena marah lho waktu memotret kereta-api. Kata ibu satpam tidak boleh foto-foto di stasiun kereta api. Memangnya kenapa ya? 
I was scolded when I took a picture of the train.  The security lady said we are not allowed to take a pictures in the train station. No idea why.   

Di dalam kota selain pakai bis kita bisa juga naik trem. Satu tiket bisa berlaku untuk bis, kereta dan trem, sekali naik AUD$4.60 per orang per 2 jam perjalanan pada saat jam sibuk dan AUD$2.80 pada jam tidak sibuk, yaitu mulai jam 09.01 pagi sampai jam 3 sore. 
In the city, we can also take the metro tram. The one ticket will allow you to travel on the bus, train or tram. The fee is AUD4.60 at peak hour and AUD$2.80 between 09.01am and 3pm per person for 2 hours worth of travel.   

Sekarang, kita lihat ada apa saja di Adelaide city yuk.
Now, let us see what they have in the city.

Ini Victoria Square dan sekitarnya.
This is Victoria Square and the surrounding buildings. 

Bangunan-bangunan tua disini dipelihara dengan baik untuk menjaga nilai sejarahnya dan karena udara disini bersih, tidak polusi dari asap kendaraan dan industri, bangunan-bangunan ini tidak menjadi hitam-hitam lho. Mereka tetap bersih dan cantik. 
The old buildings are well maintained for their historical value and because there is not much smog, pollution from cars, trucks and industry, these beautiful buildings maintain their colour and charm.  


Di satu sudut King William Street, kami menemukan toko permen, Blackebys. Melihat begitu banyak macam permen, rasanya saya ingin menjadi pencinta permen bisa mencoba semuanya, yang kelihatannya enak banget.  
In one of the small lanes just off of King William Street, we found a candy shop, Blackebys. We looked at that many candies and chocolates...I wish I liked candy so I could try them all, they look so delicious.

Tempat yang paling saya suka di kota adalah Central Market China Town. Saya bilang pada David, kalau saya kangen rumah, bawa saya ke tempat ini. Kebisingan dan macam makanannya mengingatkan saya pada kesibukan Jakarta. ^_^
My favorite place in the city is the Central Market's China Town. I told David that if I ever got homesick, I want him to take me here. All the crowds and the food make me feel like in the middle of busy Jakarta again. ^_^  

Setiap kali ke kota, kita pasti makan siang di Central Market Food Court. Disini ada berbagai macam makanan Asia. Dan setiap kali pasti bingung mau makan apa ya...............
Whenever we went to the city, we would have lunch at the Central Market Food Court. They have a lot of variety of Asian food. And always took a long time to decide what to have..........  

Ini Rundle Mall, tempat tujuan utama belanja dan merupakan tempat janji ketemu yang populer di Adelaide. Biasanya orang-orang janji ketemu di depan dua bola bulat ini.   
This is Rundle Mall, the premier Shopping Destination and Meeting Place in Adelaide. A popular meeting place is at the Balls...two big, metal balls on top of stacked one on top of the other. 

Sekarang mau kemana ya? kita keliling-keliling saja ya....
Now, where do you want to go? Well, here's some more of my new city then...  

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