Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 4 #weekinthelife

When I woke up this morning, I was still feeling a bit off colour, but the show must go on. So I quickly got up and made my breakfast. I had toast with peanut butter and banana (David introduced this for me, it was one of his mum's favourites).

Washed the dishes, before I went to work. 

Took the rubbish out...Tuesday is rubbish collection day. This week is red bin for general waste and yellow bin for recycling waste. 

This morning, David drove me to work.

As I work in child care, everyday is a lot of fun with the children. This morning I made a collage activity for them, then later joined them in the sandpit. 

Back home, there were some lemons from Ian, Dad's best friend. Thanks Ian.


  1. Thanks for sharing your day!

  2. Lovely pics, thanks for sharing your photos.

    I lived in Adelaide for 7 years before moving back to North Queensland.
