Thursday, April 14, 2011

Indofest 2011

The Australian Indonesian Association (AIA) of SA, in collaboration with affiliated Indonesian community groups and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in SA, hosted the 4th annual Indofest on April 10, 2011, in Rymill Park. 

Perhimpunan warga Indonesia di Australia (AIA) bekerja sama dengan perkumpulan Indonesia lainnya dan konsulat Indonesia di South Australia kembali mengadakan Indofest untuk ke-empat kalinya pada tanggal 10 April 2011 di Rymill Park. 

David had always told me about Indofest and I was very excited to see it on but I also I felt very sad when I saw the weather forecast for that Sunday...raining with a maximum temperature of only 21 degrees.

David selalu menceritakan tentang Indofest, jadi pada waktu melihat berita di atas di situs saya bersemangat sekali. Namun saya juga kecewa pada waktu melihat ramalan cuaca untuk hari Minggu tersebut... hujan dan suhu maximum 21 derajat.  

We'd almost given up on going, but as we had already promised to take David's friend's sister from Venezuela, Patricia and her mother, we still went ahead. It was raining all morning and on our journey in, but luckily, when we arrived at Rymill Park, the rain had stopped and the sky was so blue. Hmm...I guess Adelaide also has "Pawang Hujan" (Rain guides that have magical powers and specialize in preventing rainstorms). ^_^.
Tadinya kami hampir memutuskan untuk tidak berangkat, tapi karena kami sudah berjanji untuk mengajak teman David dari Venezuela, Patricia dan mamanya, kamu tetap berangkat. Sesuai ramalan cuaca, hari itu hujan sejak pagi hari, tetapi waktu kami sampai di Rymill Park, hujan berhenti dan langit cerah sekali. Hmm... ternyata di Adelaide ada pawang hujan juga ya.. ^_^. 

At first for this event, I had planned to wear my batik dress but, the weather made me change my mind. Finally, I choose to wear a beautiful sarong (a gift from my best friend, Ami) and a black long sleeved top while David couldn't wait to wear his new batik shirt that he bought in Bali.
Awalnya, saya merencanakan untuk mengenakan gaun batik untuk acara ini, tetapi hawa yang dingin membuat saya harus merubah rencana. Akhirnya saya mengenakan kain pemberian dari sahabat saya Ami dan dipadukan dengan kaos hitam tangan panjang. Sedangkan David mengenakan kemeja batik yang baru dia beli di Bali. 

The whole event was very interesting. There was a Gamelan orchestra performance from Gamelan Sekar Laras, Adelaide's community gamelan group dedicated to the teaching and performing of Indonesian music, dance and theatre. It formed in 1983 and is based at the Flinders University in its beautiful pendopo.
Acara-acaranya sangat menarik lho. Ada pementasan Gamelan dari Gamelan Sekar Laras, perkumpulan seni musik, tari dan teater tradisional di Adelaide. Perkumpulan ini dibentuk pada tahun 1983, berlokasi di pendopo Flinders University. 

There was Tari Payung (the Umbrella dance) performed by Alfira O'Sullivan and Mor Murtala from Suara Indonesia Dancer, who are based in Sydney. 
Ada juga tari Payung yang dibawakan oleh  Alfira O'Sullivan dan Mor Murtala dari Suara Indonesia Dancer, Sydney. 

Ms. O'Sullivan also performed Sundanese Jaipongan dance. 
Ms. O'Sullivan juga membawakan tari Jaipong. 

Followed by Mr. Mor who lead Mass Acehnese Dance. 
Dilanjutkan dengan Tari Saman, tarian tradisional dari Aceh yang dipimpin oleh Mr. Mor. 

This year, we had special guests all the way from North Sulawesi who presented several dances and songs. 
Tahun ini ada tamu special dari Sulawesi Utara yang membawakan beberapa lagu dan tarian. 

There were also a parade of traditional wedding costumes from several provinces in Indonesia. 
Ada juga parade baju pengantin tradisional dari beberapa provinsi di Indonesia. 

There was also cooking demonstrations, games for kids, a performance by Sheila on 7 and so much more. However the most interesting part was the many Indonesian food stalls that sold a variety of food from all over Indonesia and that made it so difficult for me to decide what I wanted. I wished I could have eaten from them all. 
Selain itu ada juga demo masak, lomba-lomba untuk anak-anak, pertunjukan band Sheila on 7 dan lain-lain. Namun yang paling menarik minat saya adalah banyaknya stand makanan Indonesia yang membuat saya sulit memilih karena saya ingin mencoba semuanya.

There were also some information and arts and crafts stalls.
Ada juga stand-stand bagi yang memerlukan informasi dan stand kerajinan tangan.  

I was so glad when we met our neighbors Michael and Jody and their friends. Apparently all of them love Indonesia, Indonesian food and they love to visit Bali. I also met Arry, my friend's brother who has lived in Adelaide for a few years. It was also so sweet to meet somebody we know in a function like this. 
Saya senang sekali waktu bertemu dengan tetangga kami, Michael and Jody bersama teman-teman mereka. Ternyata mereka menyukai masakan Indonesia dan pernah mengunjungi Bali beberapa kali. Selain itu saya juga bertemu dengan Arry dan istrinya. Arry adalah adik teman saya di Bandung yang telah beberapa tahun tinggal di Adelaide. 

The event ran until 4pm, but as David promised to take Patricia's mom to Melba's Chocolate Factory be for she returned to Venezuela, we left before "the party" was over. However, we will be back again next year. 
Sebenarnya acara berlangsung sampai jam 4 sore tetapi karena David telah berjanji untuk mengajak mamanya Patricia ke Melba's Chocolate Factory sebelum beliau kembali ke Venezuela, kami meninggalkan acara sebelum selesai. Yang jelas, kami akan kembali tahun depan. 


  1. Wow Mbak, great photos and documentation of IndoFest..Thank you!! Alfira & Murtala (Sydney) xx

  2. Thanks for the great write up of the IndoFest event. And thanks for using a photo of our food stall "Warung Aneka Kue Indonesia"! :). You can see a close up of the food we sold at

    I am also the developer of the AIA of SA website ( and will link to this blog post from there if you don't mind.

    Thanks again,
    - Anthony.

  3. Dear Alfira, Salam kenal and thanks for your comment. Hope you will be able to join us at SA's Indofest one year soon. :)

  4. Dear Anthony,
    Thanks for you comment and for your food! I bought some cookies and finished it just in days. :)

    I will be honored to have you link my blog to your website.

