Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Setiap hari Selasa, papa mertua saya jalan-jalan dengan teman baiknya Ian. Biasanya mereka akan main poker mesin dan lunch di satu tempat. Pada hari Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010 mereka pergi main poker di Belair hotel di daerah Blackwood. Karena saya belum pernah ke daerah sana, saya dan David diajak.
Every Tuesday, my father in law goes out with his best friend, Ian.. Usually, they will go to a place and play the poker machines and have lunch. Last Tuesday, the 12th October 2010, they went to a the Belair hotel in Blackwood. Because I've never been there, they invited David and I to join them.

Kami berangkat naik kereta dari Mawson Lake Interchange, jurusan ke city. Di city berganti kereta jurusan  Belair.
We took the train from the Mawson Lakes Interchange to the city, where we changed trains to Belair. 

Karena di stasiun kota sempat menunggu sekitar 20 menit, Papanya David, Bertie mampir beli teh dulu, sedangkan Ian dan David pesan kopi. .
At the station we had to wait for around 20 minutes, so David's Dad, Bertie had a cup of tea while Ian and David bought a take away coffee. 

Kereta di Adelaide bersih-bersih, tapi karena pernah dimarahin foto-foto di stasiun, saya agak takut juga memotret di dalam kereta.
Trains in Adelaide are very clear, but because I'd been scolded before because took the pictures in the station, I was a bit afraid when I took these pictures. 

Blackwood terletak di daerah perbukitan sebelah Selatan Adelaide,  sekitar 18km dari city. Perjalanan ditempuh dalam waktu sekitar 15menit dari kota.
Blackwood is located south of Adelaide in the foothills and is around 18km from the city. The trip takes around 15 minutes from the city.  

Kami berhenti di stasiun Glenalta. Dari stasiun kami jalan ke Belair Hotel, tempat Bertie, David dan Ian akan main poker mesin.
We stopped at the Glenalta station. From here we walked to Belair Hotel, where Bertie, David and Ian  played their poker machines. 

Sementara Berti dan Ian main poker, David yang sudah menang $20, menemani saya minum kopi dan foto-foto di sekitar hotel.
While Berti and Ian played poker, David who had just won $20, had a cup of coffee with me and we took some pictures around the hotel. 

Menunggu waktu makan siang, kami berjalan-jalan dulu di suburb yang termasuk kawasan elite ini. Penduduk Blackwood yang berjumlah sekitar 3800 orang ini, 71% diantaranya adalah asli orang Australia. Sisanya orang Inggris, Jerman, Scotland dan New Zealand. Di daerah ini saya tidak melihat orang asia lho.
While waiting for lunch time, we walked around this exclusive suburb. Blackwood's population is around 3800. 71% of them were born in Australia, the rest come from England, German, Scotland and New Zealand. I didn't see any Asians here. 

Beberapa rumah di daerah sini ada yang berbentuk unit. Satu kompleks tanah yang terdiri dari beberapa rumah. Harga rumah disini berkisar antara AUD$350ribu - $450ribu untuk rumah dengan 3 kamar tidur.
Amongst the houses around here, are units. This is where one block of land has a number of smaller houses. The price for 3 bedroom house here is around $350k - $450kAUD. 

Blackwood kota yang cukup nyaman, tidak terlalu ramai dan rapih.
Blackwood is a nice city, not too crowded and very neat. 

Menjelang jam 12 siang, kita jalan balik ke Belair hotel untuk makan siang. Karena Bertie dan Ian punya VIP member card, kita dapat complimentary makan siang gratis. Menu untuk kita Burger and Chips. Seperti biasa, karena porsinya besar sekali,  saya sih tidak bisa habis.
It was almost 12 o'clock, we went back to the Belair hotel for lunch. Because Bertie and Ian have a VIP members card, we had a complimentary Burger and Chips. As usual, because it was a big portion, I couldn't finish it. 

Nah itulah kisah tentang setengah hari bersama Berti dan Ian. ^_^
Well, that's a story about one Tuesday out with Bertie and Ian. ^_^

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Market

Biasanya orang-orang akan bangun lebih siang pada hari Minggu, kalau saya sih kebalikan. Hari Minggu justru bangun lebih pagi, karena saya ingin ke Sunday market dulu sebelum ke gereja. Misa di gereja dekat rumah mulai jam set 11, jadi acara belanja sudah harus selesai sekitar jam 10 pagi.
Usually people wake up late on Sunday morning, but I'm On Sunday, I wake up earlier because I want go to the Sunday markets before I go to Church. Sunday Mass is held near my home at the local Catholic school and starts at 10.30am, so I need to finish my shopping by around 10am. 

Hampir di semua sudut Adelaide ada Sunday Market. Yang biasa kami pergi Gep Cross Sunday market atau Pooraka Sunday market. Hari ini saya akan mengajak kalian jalan-jalan ke Pooraka market.
Almost in every part of Adelaide has a Sunday Market, however we usually go to the Gepps Cross or Pooraka market. Today I will take you go to the Pooraka market. 

Pooraka Market buka setiap hari Minggu dari jam 6 pagi sampai jam 1 siang. Tiket masuk AUD$1,- per orang. Kalau anak2 di bawah 12 tahun gratis.
This market open every Sunday from 6am until 1pm. The entrance fee is AUD$1,- per person. Children below 12 are free. 

Pooraka Market yang setiap minggunya dikunjungi rata-rata 3000 orang ini terbagi dua, di dalam ruangan dan di luar ruangan yang ditutupi oleh tenda besar. Yang membedakan harga sewa tempatnya, di dalam ruangan AUD$75 per bulan, kalau di luar AUD$60 per bulan.
The Pooraka Market  is visited by an average of 3000 people every week and divided into two areas, one inside of a large pavilion and the other is outside under a large verandah. The difference between them is the rent paid by the vendors, inside the pavilion it's AUD$75 per month and outside it's AUD$60.   

Yang kami suka di Pooraka Market, di situ ada Ned Kelly Bakery yang menjual pie dan quiche yang rasanya macam-macam dan lumayan enak, harganya AUD$2,-.Kami suka beli beberapa untuk makan siang.
We like to go to this market because of the Ned Kelly Bakery stall where we buy different flavoured pies and quiches for AUD$2 each. We enjoy them for our lunch.  

Biasanya kami beli sayuran dan buah-buahan juga disini.
We also buy fruits and vegetables here. 

Kalau mau beli tanaman juga tersedia disini.
If you need a plant, they are also available here. 

Ada yang jualan binatang peliharaan juga, seperti burung, kelinci, ayam dan ikan.
Some stalls also sell pets, such as birds, rabbits, chickens and fish. 

Books are my passion. Kalau lihat buku pasti harus mampir sebentar lihat-lihat...
As books are my passion, everytime I see books, I stop and look at what they have.  

Kalau perlu baju, ada juga yang jualan baju. Kadang ada juga yang jual baju-baju bekas.
If you need clothes, some stalls also sell them, new and 2nd hand. 

Kadang aja yang jualannya saya ga ngerti, apa sih yang dijual ya? Seperti ini nih....
But sometimes I don't understand what some of the stalls sell, like this one... 

Selain itu ada juga yang jualan patung-patung pajangan dan mainan anak-anak.
Besides of all the above, they also have statues and kids toys. 

Kalau cape keliling terus lapar dan mau istirahat dulu, di pojok ada kantin.
If you tired and hungry, maybe you want to take a rest and take advantage of the canteen and food stalls in the corner. 

Ops... David sudah selesai berbelanja, jadi saya juga harus pulang. Bye....
Ops... David's finished his shopping, I should go home now. Bye.... 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Home sweet home

Sejak pindah ke Adelaide, banyak teman yang tanya, seperti apa sih rumah saya di Adelaide, apakah apartment atau rumah biasa. Ada juga yang minta saya kirim foto karena ingin tahu rumah baru saya seperti apa. So, hari ini saya akan bercerita tentang rumah baru saya.
Since I moved to Adelaide, a lot of friends have asked me, "How is your new home? Is it an apartment or a home?" Some friends also asked me to send them pictures of my new home because many of them are curious about where I'm now living.  So, today I will tell you all about it!  

Rumah saya disini bukan apartment, rumah biasa di daerah perumahan di suburbs Parafield Gardens.
Ini jalanan di depan rumah dan halaman di depan rumah kami.
My home here is not an apartment, but a house in the suburb of Parafield Gardens. 
Below is the street in front of our home and our front garden.  

Halaman belakang luas juga. Di belakang ada gudang dan tempat jemuran. Kadang David suka menebar beras atau remah roti di belakang untuk burung-burung yang suka mampir.
Our backyard is also quite big. There is a shed and clothes line. Sometimes David will put some feed out for the birds, which often stop by at our back yard. 

Ini dapur. Disini akhirnya koleksi magnet saya menemukan tempatnya. ^_^
This is the kitchen. Here my is magnet collection which has finally found a home on our fridge. ^_^

Di sebelah dapur ada ruang makan, tapi meja makannya lebih sering saya pakai untuk mengerjakan scrapbooking. Saat ini saya sedang menyelesaikan album kenangan dari my big family saat kami pesta tunangan sekaligus perpisahan di Bandung. Dan latar belakang tampak koleksi DVD-nya David.
Next to the kitchen is dining room, but the dining table often used  for me to my scrap-booking. Currently I am finishing the memory album that my big family gave us at our engagement and farewell party in Bandung. In the background is David's DVD collection. 

Ruang tamu merangkap ruang keluarga, tempat David menonton tv dan saya membaca buku. Ada juga meja kaca kecil yang multi fungsi. Meja ini tempat kami main board game, minum teh, dan makan juga karena meja makan penuh dengan peralatan scrapbooking saya. Saya juga baru selesai mendekor salah satu sisi dinding dengan memasang fot-foto pengantin kami.
The living room also our family room. Here David watches the television while I read my books. There is also small glass table which has a lot of functions. Here we play our card and board games, have our tea and had eat our meals because the dining table full of my scrap-booking things.  I also just finished decorated one of the walls with our wedding pictures. 

Ini kamar tidur utama, kamarnya kecil, hanya muat  ranjang sama lemari. Di kamar ada televisi kecil untuk saya, kalau acara yang saya ingin tonton tidak sama dengan David.
This is the main bedroom, the room is not big, only enough for bed and wardrobe. There is a small television for me to watch if the programs I want to see when David is watching something else. 

Selain itu ada juga kamar tamu. Disitu saya menaruh buku-buku saya. Sebetulnya sekarang saya lebih sering pinjam buku di perpustakaan tapi kadang kalau melihat buku bagus dan murah suka tidak tahan juga. Pigura yang di tempat tidur itu hasil saya menyelesaikan puzzle "A thousand places to see before you die". Tapi masih belum tau mau digantung dimana.
We also have a guest room. I put my books in here. Actually, now I often borrow books from the library, but when I see some good books cheap, I still want to buy them. The frame on the bed is my finished jigsaw puzzle, "A thousand places to see before you die". We're still trying to find the place to hang it. 

Nah, sekarang sudah dapat gambaran ya rumahku seperti apa. Jadi, kapan mau mampir?
Well, now you know about my home. When you will come and visit us? 

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Moon Lantern Festival

Festival musim gugur atau Festival kue bulan adalah perayaan yang sangat terkenal di Asia dan merupakan tradisi selama 3000 tahun dan sampai saat ini masih terus dirayakan secara turun temurun. Perayaan kue bulan jatuh setiap tanggal 15 bulan delapan menurut penanggalan bulan, yang pada tahun ini menurut penanggalan internasional jatuh pada tanggal 22 September 2010. 
The Mid-Autum Festival or the Moon cake festival is a traditional and  popular East Asian holiday. It is a 3000 year old tradition and many people in Asia today still celebrate it like their ancestors did. Moon cake festival falls on the Lunar calendar's Aug 15th each year.  This year for the western calendar, Chinese Moon cake festival fell on 22th September 2010

Pada saat festival kue bulan, biasanya kita akan makan kue bulan yang sangat lezat dengan berbagai macam rasa. Kue bulan dapat ditemukan di hampir semua supermarket Asia. Kue bulan banyak macam dan rasanya, tapi yang paling terkenal adalah yang berisi buah teratai dan kuning telur. Kue bulan ini melambangkan kebersamaan dalam keluarga. Biasanya pada saat ini keluarga akan berkumpul untuk makan malam bersama.
At this celebration, traditionally you will get to eat the very delicious moon cake that comes in many different varieties.Moon cakes are available in most Asian supermarkets. It comes in many flavours and one of the most popular versions is the lotus seed paste with an egg yoke centre. Moon cakes symbolize togetherness in a family and usually, all the family dines together. 

Sejak tahun 2007 di Adelaide diadakan OZ Asia festival, yaitu pertunjukan kesenian dan kebudayaan yang diadakan oleh komunitas Asia di Adelaide. Festival diadakan selama sekitar 10 hari, salah satu acaranya adalah memperingati Festival kue bulan dengan parade lentera, ini yang pada tahun ini berfokus pada Korea. 
Sincee 2007 Adelaide has held the OZ Asia festival. It is an art and culture exhibition held by the Asian community and lasts for 10 days. One of the events on the program, is to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with The Moon Lantern Festival. This year The Moon Lantern Festival centred on Korea. 

Setiap tahun perayaan diadakan di Elder park, yang terletak di tepi Torrens River. Diharapkan festival ini akan dihadiri oleh lebih dari 10,000 orang. 
The festival is traditionally held at Elder Park, located on the banks of Torrens River and draws crowds of over 10,000. 

Acara dimulai dari jam 3.30 sore diawali dengan persembahan tari dan permainan alat musik tradisional dari berbagai negara asia seperti, China, Korea dan India.
The festivities start at 3.30pm, with traditional dance and musical instruments from Asian countries, such as China, Korea and India.  

Saya sih semangat melihat-lihat stand makanan, siapa tahu ada stand masakan Indonesia. Dan ternyata saya menemukan rendang dan sate. Hm... kayanya enak juga ya.  
I am more interested to check the various food stall. who knows there is Indonesian food stall. And looked what I found... I found rendang and satay.. Hm... looks delicious. 

Selain stand makanan, ada juga stand-stand lain. Antara lain, stand belajar kaligrafi, belajar melipat origami, belajar memasak juga ada. dan tidak ketinggalan stand meramal nasib.
Besides food stalls, there were also stands hosting such things as calligraphy, origami, cooking, and even fortune telling. 

Saya mau beli kue bulan, biar David bisa merasakan juga, tapi kog antriannya panjang sekali ya? Saya antri lebih dari 15 menit, dan pas sampai depan, tinggal 6 kue, 5 rasa durian dan 1 rasa talas. Saya mengambil yang rasa talas karena David tidak suka durian. Harganya mahal juga, satu kue itu AUD$7,-.
I wanted to buy a moon cake for David to taste, but the queue was very long. I queued for 15 minutes and when I got close the front, there was only 6 cakes left. 5 were durian flavoured and 1 was taro. I got the taro flavoured 1 because David doesn't like the durian. One moon cake cost me AUD$7,-, it's so expensive. 

Nah, sudah mulai gelap nih. Bulan sudah muncul, sebentar lagi parade lentera akan dimulai.
Night was upon us and the moon was already high in the sky.  Soon the lantern parade was to begin. 

Lentera-lentera dalam berbagai macam warna dan bentuk ini dibuat sekolah-sekolah  dan disponsori oleh beberapa perusahaan.yang berpartisipasi dalam festival . Lentera diarak mengelilingi Elder park diikuti oleh anak-anak sekolah.
The Lanterns, which were in a myriad shapes and colours were made by  participating schools sponsored by local businesses and institutions. The Lantern parade moved through Elder Park followed by the students who created them.  

Festival ditutup dengan pertunjukan kembang api.
The festival closed with a fireworks display.